At the 32nd Ukrainian Fashion Week within Fresh Fashion, Kristina Mamedova introduced her new, fifth collection called Blackberry Dreams to Ukrainian fashion fans. As in her previous works, in this case Ksenia tried to create an image of a woman, if not ideal, then striving for the ideal, embodying intelligence and spontaneity, grace and elegance, challenge and mischief, sexuality and romanticism. The image of a woman capable of surprising and inspiring.
The main source for the designer’s creative imagination this time was the famous movie, a classic of world cinema «Breakfast at Tiffany’s». According to Kristina Mamedova, the main character of the movie, Holly, played by the stunning Audrey Hepburn, «…charmed her with her directness, femininity and dreaminess». «In my mind, she is the standard of femininity,» emphasized Kristina Mamedova. — Fragile, beautiful, carefree. And she always looks like a million! Elegant clothes, graceful hairstyle, crocodile handbag, shoes… Nothing deliberate and nothing superfluous. She is living life to the fullest — having fun, buying herself fancy clothes and, of course, falling in love. For some reason, I imagined she was having sweet blackberry dreams. Hence the idea and the name of the new collection.
The designer managed to convincingly convey the «juicy and sweet» mood of the Blackberry Dreams collection with the help of a wide range of «berry» colors — from bright crimson to dark jelly. The models are a combination of elegance and chic with a little bit of coquetry. The fabrics used to create the images are traditionally high quality and natural: Italian silk, wool by Giorgio by Giorgio Armani, Versace, Jacquard, Chanel, knitwear by Max Mara, and others. Not indifferent to original accents, the designer in the new collection favored exotic leather (crocodile, python, ostrich, cobra, stingray) and high-quality French accessories. Leather elements are used both in finishing and for creating independent accessories: all the images are harmoniously complemented by elegant handbags and clutches made of exotic leather, decorated with Swarowski stones.
What secrets keep «blackberry dreams» of Kristina Mamedova, or rather her muse — Holly / Audrey Hepburn, you can already see in the show-room of KM brand.